MS Microcaps LLC was founded by Maj Soueidan, a successful microcap investor who has been scouring the market for over 30 years. The firm is delivering microcap alpha to clients in various forms. We work with institutional investors as well as retail investors and our range of services and products is broad.

However, at the very core, we are focused on finding great stocks to invest in and making it easier for others to do so as well.

Our Focus

Stock Research

Portfolio Construction

Deal Flow


Tools for Investors

Business Development

The Team

Maj Soueidan

Founder and President

Maj is a microcap investor with 30+ years of experience. He has been in the markets through thick and thin, creating a stellar track record due to his focus on Tier One Quality Microcaps, information arbitrage (InfoArb) and astute knowledge of potential risks.

Jan Švenda

Co-founder, Lead Analyst

Jan has been investing for the past 10 years. He has experience on both the sell-side and buy-side and he also ran his own newsletter focusing on value in OTC stocks. Jan joined Maj in 2021 and since then they have been focusing on helping other investors find great microcap stocks.